
Transformations in the Merlot ARPG.

These apply a special alternate form to your character. Learn more by visiting the Information page.

Curse of the Snowman

Obtained From:

Curse List

Curse of the Snowman (Event) |

It seems like Noel Kwee wasn't the only one who found this curse.

Your character becomes afflicted with the Curse of the Snowman, transforming into a golem of snow and ice.

  • Your character becomes made out of snow.
  • Their eyes and certain body parts may become replaced with some or all of these things:
    • Carrots
    • Coal
    • Twigs
    • Leaves
    • Dirt
  • Your character can appear as if they are melting, or even have icicles dripping off of them.
  • Other "snowman-like" themes and traits may apply. Feel free to ask if you have an idea.

If you're unsure if your idea is valid, feel free to ask.

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