

Proficiency Eye (Quest)

Category: Eyes

Your character's eyes reflect their element. This can express in various ways,  below are just examples (you can make your own ideas or combine ideas if you have multiple proficiencies!!)

Example Eyes

Fire: shrouded by or emanating fire or smoke

Nature:  surrounded by plant growth

Water: perpetually leaks, eyes seem to be glass with water inside, water swirls around the eye

Air:  surrounded by gusts of wind

Light: glows or emits light beams

Life: leaves behind a glowing trail/afterimage(?)

Electric:  shrouded by or emits crackles of lightning

PSI: a glow that seems to pulse in time with the bearer's heartbeat

Dream: vibrant, swirling clouds of color

Mystic: emits bright magical swirls and wisps

Void: become inky black

Sight: a third eye

Cosmic: change to resemble galaxies, stars, the night sky

Time: ?

Characters with Proficiency Eye:

1 result found.