
Whiskers (Ringling)

Whiskers (Ringling) (Common)

Species: Ringling

Whiskers for ringlings can be various shapes and styles. They can be any length. In canon, ringling whiskers represent a ringling's age (longer whiskers meaning an older ringling), but you don't have to stick to the canon!

Whiskers can be up to as long as the body, otherwise they will have to be Innate.

Characters with Whiskers (Ringling):

Innate Whiskers (Ringling)

Innate Whiskers (Ringling) (Innate)

Species: Ringling

Innate whiskers have a cloudy, flowing look. They can appear as if constantly swaying in the wind.

Regardless of a ringling's age, they can be extremely long.

This trait covers 2 things, and both can be applied at once:

  • Whiskers with the flowing-cloudy appearance
  • Whiskers that are longer than the body (No limit for length)

Characters with Innate Whiskers (Ringling):

Ancient's Beard (Ringling)

Ancient's Beard (Ringling) (Innate)

Species: Ringling

Innate beards have a cloudy, flowing look. They can appear as if constantly swaying in the wind. They can be extremely long.

This trait covers 2 things, and both can be applied at once:

  • Beards with the flowing-cloudy appearance
  • Beards that are longer than floor-length (No limit for length)

Characters with Ancient's Beard (Ringling):

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