
Sparkling Mist (Sqwagul)

Sparkling Mist (Sqwagul) (Innate)

Category: Mist (Sqwagul)
Species: Sqwagul

The sqwagul's mist sparkles faintly.

Characters with Sparkling Mist (Sqwagul):

Rainbow Mist (Sqwagul)

Rainbow Mist (Sqwagul) (Event)

Category: Mist (Sqwagul)
Species: Sqwagul

Characters with Rainbow Mist (Sqwagul):

Blooming Mist (Sqwagul)

Obtained From:

Soothing Dewdrop

Blooming Mist (Sqwagul) (Shop)

Category: Mist (Sqwagul)
Species: Sqwagul

Your Sqwagul's magic mist takes on a floral appearance, either shedding petals when cast, or resembling whole flowers inside the mist itself.


"There is a magic 
Not of yourself, but contained
Within these branches."
~ Haiku #2, Jasmine's Heart of the Woods

Characters with Blooming Mist (Sqwagul):

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