Animated Markings (Shop)
Category: Body
Careful to not make yourself a mood ring with your own markings.
Markings that shift and change. Can apply to only one marking, or all of them.
- Please include an example of how your character's markings will change from moment to moment.
- This does not need to be exhaustive, i.e. including all possible marking variations. Just an EXAMPLE of how your character utilizes this trait.
- This example can be textual and listed in the "extra info" section of the trait.
- Your character could simply have twinkling stars, or full moving tapestries adorning their pelt!
- The animation should stay within the "theme" of the original markings-- stars may rotate or pulse.
- Can be combined with other marking types for wacky results!
- Should not have colors that do not already exist on the character (coming out of complete nowhere)
- The animation should stay within the "theme" of the original markings-- they cannot animate from stars into hearts.
- For markings with a complete shift, try marking change! (Or combine them!)
If you're unsure if your idea is valid, feel free to ask.
Characters with Animated Markings:
No characters found.