Patchy Fur (SB)

Patchy Fur (SB) (Rare)

Category: Body
Species: Sugar Beast ( Beastly (SB) subtype)

Your SB's fur grows patchy, becoming bald in certain areas. Common spots for baldness are shown on the right, while an example of a pattern under the fur is on the left.

The pattern on the bald skin should match your SB's horn style, or you can use any pattern lower than the rarity of your horn style. You can also use a trait item to change the pattern on the skin alone.

Ex.: Front stripe pattern can downgrade to classic style
Ex.: Classic style can use unusual trait essence to have no skin pattern

The coverage for bald areas doesn't have to be limited to the image, you can include or remove some areas. Your SB should still have 50% of their body still covered in fur.

Characters with Patchy Fur (SB):