
Proficiency Aura (Quest)

Category: Aura

Your character gains a floating/orbiting aura/effect that reflects their proficiency. This can express in various ways,  below are just examples (you can make your own ideas or combine ideas if you have multiple proficiencies!!) 


Fire: fire wisps, smoke/smog, little embers

Nature:  plant petals, leaves, small insects

Water: rainclouds, rain, waves

Air:  trailing wind, wind always seems to be blowing on them

Light: floating motes of light, lightbeams

Life: perpetual soft glow, soothing aura

Electric:  crackling lightning follows them around, fur seems to perpetually stand on end

PSI: pulsing glowing aura surrounds their body

Dream: swirling dreamy clouds float around their body

Mystic: magical swirls and wisps

Void: shrouded in darkness, leaking darkness

Sight: orbiting third eye/eyes

Cosmic: galaxies, stars

Time: gearlike halos/symbols

Characters with Proficiency Aura: