
Various companions in the Merlot ARPG.

These are pets that can be applied to characters.

<a href=" Efol" class="display-item">King Efol</a> (<a href="" class="display-rarity" style="color: #F2D926;">Event</a>)

King Efol (Event) |

Category: Event

A living god! A legend! What else is there to say about this Efol-- he is wreathed in kingly robes. Utterly befitting of a creature that us mortals are unworthy to witness!

Use as Emote
<a href=", the Protector" class="display-item">Efol, the Protector</a> (<a href="" class="display-rarity" style="color: #F2D926;">Event</a>)

Efol, the Protector (Event) | User Shops

Category: Event

He who has protected countless allies.

Use as Emote
<a href=", the Vanquisher" class="display-item">Efol, the Vanquisher</a> (<a href="" class="display-rarity" style="color: #F2D926;">Event</a>)

Efol, the Vanquisher (Event) | User Shops

Category: Event

He who has slain countless foes.

Use as Emote
<a href=", the Nemesis" class="display-item">Efol, the Nemesis</a> (<a href="" class="display-rarity" style="color: #F2D926;">Event</a>)

Efol, the Nemesis (Event) |

Category: Event

Deceiving foul thing.

Use as Emote
<a href="" class="display-item">Efol</a> (<a href="" class="display-rarity" style="color: #F2D926;">Event</a>)

Little Devil
Little Devil

Efol (Event) | User Shops

Category: Jolliday

Subcategory: Event Companion

Efol are always screaming, and always loud. When they're not sleeping, which is 90% of the time.


Use as Emote
5 results found.