This is a visual index of all companions. Click a companion to view more info on it!
Meltail (Event)
Klue (Event)
Strobe Bleleon (Event)
Long Hatrik Torso (Event)
Long Hatrik Head (Event)
Ponn (Event)
King Efol (Event)
Efol, the Protector (Event)
Efol, the Vanquisher (Event)
Efol, the Nemesis (Event)
Rainbun (Event)
Atanip (Event)
Loaf (Event)
Hattmann (Event)
Fido (Event)
Nightwalker (Event)
Arctic Vulpeye (Event)
Hot Snocoa (Event)
Whipped Snocoa (Event)
Rockibou (Event)
Plastic Rockibou (Event)
Ferwreath (Event)
Goldleaf Ferwreath (Event)
Womball (Event)
Weaselly Womball (Event)
Beloved Peep (Event)
Special Spark
Smitten Bumby (Event)
Lovely Lace
Lovedrunk Rush (Event)
Honey Drizzled
Swain (Event)
In Twain
Felove (Event)
Broken Heart