
Embrace life... or destroy it.

Subclasses: Healing, life sapping, barriers

A mastering over life and protection-like attributes, or the dark arts of turning that on its head. Includes the conjuring of protective barriers. Life magic requires a strong sense of empathy and compassion, or a lack thereof, for its opposite forces. Life magic is very difficult to learn, and requires patience and a diligent nature. 

Learning difficulty: medium
Skill ceiling / mastering difficulty: high

Tier 1

Base Life magic isn't for everyone, it can start off quite slow and the path to learn it will be slow and steady as you work with it. Not only does it take a long time to learn, but it also can be quite tricky to begin with. Learning to nurture and grow your powers is a journey in and itself.

Tier 2

Like a parent raising a child, you have to know both when to guide and when to let go. Your powers are strong now, but they will become unpredictable without your guidance and firm hand.

Tier 3

You've nurtured your powers, and in a way they've nurtured you. You can choose to pass on your knowledge now, or help or hurt others with your gift.


Associated Award
Associated Trait Source