Sqwagul Gender and Peeps

II: Sqwagul Gender and Peeps

Sex, Gender and identity

Sqwaguls as a species lack a biological sex, and are not assigned a gender when they hatch. Sqwaguls, as a species, have a very foreign idea of gender compared to other societies and species, but they are able to explore it however they wish.

There is no societal constraint to abide by a particular role or gender role-- sqwaguls may identify as male, female, nothing, neither, or anything else or in between. Sqwaguls take great enjoyment in exploring their identities, using their chosen gender identity to further express themselves as an individual.

Sqwaguls in particular take intrigue in exploring xenogenders, neopronouns, and have even created some of their own.

  • I will put some here eventually :}


Due to their lack of a biological sex, reproduction instead takes place magically. Each parent channels their energy into a powerful spell, combining their essence into the creation of a magical egg. Any pairing of sqwaguls can make a child if they wish-- identity between couples is irrelevant to the process.
Aside from a "fatigue" period from the process of creating the egg, the rest of the process is relatively smooth for all parents involved. After a rest (typically 1-2 days or a week), the parents will be back to full energy and ready to continue their lives.
Sqwaguls with no horns, or a lack of magical power, will be unable to create children as a result-- effectively making them infertile. Surrogate parents are common and accepted, especially due to the one-and-done nature of creating an egg-- once the egg has been made, the surrogate parents are free of the burden, and can hand the resulting egg to the expectant family.


Sqwaguls hatch from magically-created eggs made of magical essence. These eggs shimmer faintly and carry an iridescent sheen. Their shells are surprisingly tough and almost crystalline! The color of the shell often, but not always, reflects the color of the baby peep's magical essence, or horn or eye color.
Like a caterpillar in a cocoon, the child will form itself from the essence within. The more that the peep grows, the more the egg's crystalline shell will dull and weaken, a sign of healthy development and that the child is absorbing all the energy that it can. Creation to hatching typically takes about a month, at which point the peep within is ready to break free from the weakened shell and greet the world. 
Overall care for the egg itself is minimal-- sqwagul eggs do not require maintenance or warmth, so they can typically be tucked away safely in the corner of a home. Their more durable shell in the first weeks of hatching also means they are resistant to harm as well-- more caution is paid the closer to hatching that the egg remains, with parents watching more carefully over them as the weeks progress.

Sqwagul Genetics

Sqwagul's genetic code is very unstable due to the magic that emanates at their very core. Similar to sugar beasts (though on a lesser scale due to lacking their diet), their evolution process is far more rapid than normal, and they are particularly more susceptible to mutations, both seen previously, and entirely new ones. Certain mutations are more common than others, however-- there remains a set of more typical features that sqwaguls possess, such as their classic ears, horns, feet, and tails.

What the resulting peep will look like is a toss-up-- there's little to no guarantee that it will even vaguely resemble their parents. Coat colors, fur textures, wings, eyes, tails, and much more all seem to crop up completely randomly.

Parentage and Families

Due to their nature of reproducing magically, sqwagul family lines can be extremely confusing to most other species.... Any number of 2+ sqwaguls can have children at the same time, which impacts how their family groups are treated. While groups of 2 parents are common, sqwaguls have been seen with parent groups as large as 10, though the numbers can easily be even higher!

Sqwaguls are very familial and raise their peeps very closely-- they hardly ever stray from them. The story is a bit different for peeps themselves though, they are naturally curious and have been known to wander off and get lost! A curious peep often has to be returned to their poor, distraught parents more than once in their childhood.

Sqwaguls typically have 1-2 peeps at a time, with the number climbing with the more sqwaguls involved in creating the children, but due to their often-polygamous and social nature, it's common for peeps to be raised in large groups. Peep-rearing is often a town-wide affair, with anyone within the town willing and able to help the parents take care of and teach their children together. Peeps will often huddle together in large piles to keep warm and sleep when their parents or babysitters are busy or sleeping.

Bonding between peeps is common, with some that grow together often considering themselves family despite their lack of blood ties. Friendships are just as common-- and so are flighty childhood crushes!

Romance and Dating

Sqwaguls don't only pair together in large groups to have children. Sqwaguls are also commonly known to date polyamorously, with monogamous couples being more uncommon. Sqwagul polycules can form in any number, and can be incredibly complex in makeup.


A baby Sqwagul is called a peep. They can be as small as an egg and are very weak and defenseless. They have no horns, and therefore cannot use magic!

By the time a peep reaches adulthood, their horns, claws, and teeth will have fully grown in, and they will be considered mature.

Peep Characteristics:

  • No horns
  • Ears and body are often very fluffy
  • Ears tend to be floppy or lopped
  • Lacks teeth and claws


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