V: Sugar Beast Injuries

In book: Injury in Merlot

sugar beast Injuries

Scarring and blood

Sugar beast blood and wounds usually take on a bright or unnatural shade, from blue, to green, to purple, etc. Sugar beasts scar and bleed normally, aside from the bright hues of their blood and flesh.

It's noted that sugar beasts with high concentrations of magic (to the point of crystallization) often produce a strange effect in their blood, if it's left in the open. It tends to take on a faceted sheen, and sometimes even congeals into small crystals as well. These effect is rare in actual wounding, but not unheard of-- some sugar beasts with great magic can sometimes grow crystals from their own wounds and scars, and they typically need to be trimmed off or removed before healing can properly begin.

Cultural impact

With how carefree and nonchalant most sugar beasts are, their attitude towards scars and injuries is just as lax. Roughhousing and tumbling with friends is a normal part of sugar beast culture, after all-- it's natural that someone would end up getting hurt by accident while engaging in a little bit of a play fight.

General injuries

It's a fairly regular occurrence for a sugar beast to lose or break a horn. They often grow back swiftly, giving the individual a unique set of mismatched horns. The core of their horns closely tends to match their horn styles, with a classic style having a ringed core, and so on.

While they view the breaking of their own horns as pretty nonchalant, an individual may often offer the snapped horn as a gift to a friend or family-- "a piece of me to you", they often say.


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