II: Sqwagul Injuries

In book: Injury in Merlot

Sqwagul Injuries

Scarring and blood

Sqwagul blood, scars, and wounds match the color and effect of their magic mist. If a sqwagul has sparkling mist, their wounds will sparkle as well, this also applies for any other effects that the individual's mist may hold. Freshly-spilled blood tends to fizzle with magic only for a short time-- within 10 minutes to an hour, the essence will fade, and any magical effects similar to the mist will fade as well.

Injured Horns

Sqwaguls typically do not see cracked or broken horns. Cracked horns are incredibly fragile and are at risk of breaking. Being that the horns are how sqwaguls conduct their magic, injuries to the horn can have extremely detrimental effects to any sqwagul. Cracked horns can cause individuals chronic migraines and may cause their magic to be unstable or fizzle out.

Horns that are broken off entirely are very, very rare, at least in living sqwaguls... The unfortunate fact is that for sqwaguls, breaking a horn is often like losing a limb. They can live fine without their horns if the condition is congenital, but the shock and stress of losing one from injury will often do a sqwagul in swiftly. It's a very rare occasion for a sqwagul to survive the aftermath of such an injury, and those that do have had swift and immediate physical/magical care to the injury that has let them survive to this day.

These lucky sqwaguls can survive, but they may have little to no magic and will often suffer chronic migraines. Some of these sqwaguls will be left with an exposed horn core that quickly heals over, but others have magical care provided by other sqwaguls, and their horns will be magically "repaired", leaving a magical cloak over the tip of the horn that mimics their original horn's size and shape. Sometimes these magical cloaks can restore magic again, but for others, it's just a way for them to feel a little more secure in their new life. Either way, these sqwaguls may become iconic in their home-town for surviving what is usually impossible.

General injuries

Sqwagul physiology is contradictory-- while hardy and persistent creatures, their small size (compared to other creatures) means they are often easily-injured. Most injuries are minor to them, but they particularly take a longer time to recover from bone injuries such as fractures and breakages.

Their adept general Mystic magic means that they can overcome and treat many injuries well-- if an individual can't handle their own injuries, then their family is most likely willing to help instead. Manufacturing and application of splints and medications is as easy as casting a spell, and those who have lost limbs can always use their magic to propel themselves on wheelchairs, or hold up and use other mobility aids.

Sqwagul scars and horn injuries.

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