<a href="https://www.merlotarpg.com/world/items/436" class="display-item">Sunglasses Sticker</a>

Sunglasses Sticker | User Shops

Category: Sticker

Subcategory: Cal Stickers

Sticker #0049
from the Summer Sticker Pack

A sticker depicting a pair of sunglasses. Here, you might want to put these on to protect yourself from that aforementioned burning ball of fire.

Item Variants

Foil Sunglasses Sticker
Foil Sunglasses Sticker | User Shops

Category: Sticker

Subcategory: Cal Stickers (Foil)

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Summer Collector Sticker
Summer Collector Sticker |

Category: Sticker

Subcategory: Shop Sticker

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