The Oracle

Elated Estrai
PRONOUNS she/her

The legendary oracle is a khludeu of immense power. She is held in high regard, not only for her magical talent, but for her help in rising up to unite the khludeu in times of strife.

It was the Oracle, who in the wake of chaos and panic after the loss of the species' magic, gave them all hope for the future. She taught her kind to craft items of magical nature, reinventing the way that they used their powers. They might not have been able to go back to the old ways, but she was the light of hope. She gave them a new path.

It's said that she was the first khludeu to regain her height once again. Since then, many have followed suit, led by her teachings.

She is the namesake for the oracle traits, which take after her likeness. The theming of gems is common with her, as the magic crystal ball is what she chose as her spellcasting focus. Even with her power now, she still turns to the crystals as her source of power. She claims that the rounder and more iridescent the stone, the more it soothes her and amplifies her focus.

She is commonly found meditating in the grove, further trying to hone her powers. Other khludeu and even other species are welcome to seek her out for advice and guidance, but it is said that you will only find her on her own terms, when she wishes to be found.

The Oracle is but one of the many estrai who united to become the heroes of their species after the disaster of the curses happened.

Her masterlist page

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