Cetuin Unaligned

Curious seabirds with a cetacian form.


An intelligent, empathetic species of seabird, cetuin are curious about everything going on around them. Cetuin are commonly seen diving alongside boats and swimming with scuba divers.


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Despite evolving from penguins, cetuin are accustomed to tropical, warm environments and struggle to tolerate colder ones. When summer arrives, cetuin flock to the warm beaches and oceans of the world, before making the long journey to warmer waters elsewhere. For this reason, cetuin are often recognized as a symbol of the summer.


Cetuin are curious creatures, and are recognized for their intelligence. Debates are ongoing about cetuin intelligence-- can they reason, empathize, feel pain? Studies seem to point to all of these being true. While not up to complete snuff as the other sentient species of Merlot, cetuin are still often regarded as one of the more intelligent species.

While predatory by nature, most species get along with cetuin, as long as they aren't fish or smaller game. Cetuin often flock or play with visitors to their ocean habitats.

Relation to Other Species

It's common for other species to seek out cetuin for help with physical labor. Their bodies are surprisingly strong.

A common activity for families near shorelines and oceans is to call for a cetuin, attach it to their boat, and guide it out to sea for a great few hours of fun. It's a great activity of mutual enjoyment-- though those who partake in this activity still usually "tip" the cetuin with some fish for their efforts.


Cetuin hunt fish primarily, but have been known to consume meat when available. Cetuin target smaller game, such as crustaceans, small birds, and other small animals. They do not attack larger prey.

Life Cycle

Cetuin live almost their whole lives in the water. While they can fumble onto land, they are not quite good at maneuvering on it.

Cetuin usually lay a clutch of 1-2 eggs on land before burying them in the sand.

Hatchlings are very vulnerable, and covered in downy fluff. They are watched over carefully by their family until they are ready to fend for themselves.

Parentage and Families

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Fun Facts
  • Groupings: A group of cetuin is called a "gambol"
  • Plural/Singular: Cetiun/cetuin
  • Baby Name: Hatchling
  • Name Origin: (Cet)acean + peng(uin)

  • Natural Affinity: N/A
  • Height: 9 ft | 2.5m
  • Weight: - lbs | - kg

  • Lifespan:
  • Age of Maturity:
  • Native Areas: Tropical waters and beaches

Associated Season