Nifty's Gifties

Nifty's Gifties

You walk into the storefront, greeted by bins of colorful reams of paper. Each bin seems to have within it a pattern of giftwrap, which is, for the most part, neatly stored away. One large bin in the center of the room catches your attention, though, as the mass of ribbons and colorful wrappers glimmer in the light outside.

Just as you move towards the bin itself, there is a rustle from within the pile itself, before a small black Ringling pokes their head from the bin, bound within the confines of the wrapping papers and bows.

"Oh hi, sorry, I got wrapped up," she giggles. She attempts to mousy her way from the bin, escaping to the floor. A ribbon falls out behind her, rolling across the floor.

"Welcome to Nifty's Gifties! I want to share the joy of giving gifts with everyone! Oh yeah, can you spare a few sparkles? Cal has this new pack of stickers and I really want them!"
