Reticent Request

A familiar voice beckons you into the shadows. Five piercing eyes gaze back at you.


A familiar voice beckons you into the shadows. Five piercing eyes gaze back at you.

“Greetings again, friend. I require your aid once more. I assure you, this is of much greater import than usual… 

I have prepared a map for you. Venture to this place and locate the ingredients I require. You shall be rewarded handsomely…”


Depict your character venturing off to the location described by ???,  a not-so-distant forest that seems to be outside the marketplace.

Drawing requirements: 1 fullbody with simple background
Writing requirements: 500 words

You may complete this prompt once.


Reward Amount
Sparkles 10
Strange Map 1


Forest Foray

You can submit this prompt 1 time(s) .