Sqwagul Town Creation
Use this prompt to submit a town.
Use this prompt to submit a sqwagul town. Visit this link to see the current towns.
When submitting your town, please be sure to include the following information:
Town Name (Can't be shared with other towns/has to be unique)
Terrain (this is for flavor and doesn't affect anything)
Size (this is for flavor and doesn't affect anything)
Town leader (1 max)
Town co-leaders (3 max)
Creator(s) (People who are "running" the town with you, or whoever you give permission to also have the ability to edit leadership changes)
A description of what your town is like, what it's all about, and other flavor text.
You can include other information for flavor and style, but these are required.
If you don't have a leader or any co-leaders, you can skip over those sections. You can always request that they be added later.
Prompt Requirements
Prompt Rewards (User )
No rewards.
Prompt Rewards (Character )
No rewards.