Legendary Companions

Created: 20 January 2024, 00:25:24 UTC
Last updated: 23 June 2024, 22:06:30 UTC

Legendary Companions

Collectors will be delighted and amazed at the sudden appearance of a new type of companions: Legendaries.


What is a legendary?

Legendary companions are like rarer variants of companions-- a special coat of paint that overlays the companion. Legendaries overwrite a companion's variant, but the variant is always saved in case you wish to revert to normal.

Legendaries are purely cosmetic, and do not provide any special benefits in gameplay besides being something to collect and show off.

Legendaries do not lose their status-- even when evolved, transferred to another user, stocked in a shop, placed into a showcase, or wrapped in a gift box.


How to get a legendary

Legendary status is determined upon the generation/obtaining of a companion. Only freshly-generated companions can be "rolled" for a legendary chance. For example, pulling a companion out of your shop will not let it have a chance to become legendary.

The current odds of obtaining a legendary companion is 1/30, and may be subject to change with time, or during special events.

Only certain companions can become legendary at this time, as designing and uploading legendaries is done manually by the staff. We know it may be annoying to wait for a companion you like to become available for legendaries, but this is a compromise we hope you all can understand, as this allows us to hand-tweak and make each legendary special. More companions will be able to become legendary over time, during regular releases and events. When a legendary is available, it will become permanently available to obtain.

Mimics, customs, and anomalies are not planned to become legendary at this time due to their unique nature.

Aside from random generation, Legendary Companion Brushes are available at BnB's store, and are purchasable once a year. They may also be given out or sold during special events.



Legendaries can be customized just like any other (customizable) companion. Click to review the custom companion info page and see the updated rules that now include legendary companions.


Currently available legendaries

For a list of companions that can currently be legendary, please check the encyclopedia.