Rosemary and the Peep

In Prompts ・ By TheWorldTree
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Sunbeams streaked down from the sky, warming the luscious greenery around Achlys’ shack. Flowerbeds that had previously been dormant had started to open when faced with the introduction of such a bright new change in weather. From under a thin layer of dewdrops, slender stalks of green raised their heads, opening their puckered buds towards the sun’s rays. 


This was the state of Achlys’ quiet garden: plants flourished outside of the death representative’s house, regardless of how ironic it seemed. (Rosemary had said as much when she had first come to Achlys’ house: “this almost looks like a place for living things, Ach, not for the dead”. It was a wonder that Rose hadn’t been kicked out right then and there.)


In the centermost ring of the garden, right on top of a grass-covered raised bed, was the khludeu herself. Rosemary was sprawled out into her back, watching the clouds pass by as she tried to think of things to do. Her friend had been kind enough to invite her to stay and practice magic with them, so Rose needed to do her best to fight the intrusive thoughts down so she didn’t look totally crazy.


As she lay, her mind drifted. Lunch ounded really good right about now…




Rosemary’s left eye opened slightly, turning towards the sound. 




Both eyes slid open, turned towards the sound. What in the sages was that? She propped herself up, leaning over the edge of the dais to see what lay beneath. 


Directly under the dais’ ledge sat a small yellow ball of feathers and fluff. A tiny beak pecked at the ground, seemingly searching for something. Rosemary’s eyes grew wide. A missing chickling, out here, so far from home? She approached the chickling with gentle steps, leaning down to make herself smaller so the peep wouldn’t be frightened. “A hatchling? What’re you doing all the way out here?”


The yellow ball of fluff startled, jumping a good distance in the air and staring back at the khludeu. It peeped again, staring up at the estrai with a curious gaze. It almost seemed to be confused, expecting the khludeu to prank the chick instead of simply talking to it. Peep?


Rosemary snorted at the chick’s antics, holding a hand out to the chickling. “I’m not gonna hurt you, lil’ guy. You’re not that much smaller than me, anyways.” She sat down on the ground, holding her hands out to the chick as a sign of goodwill. 


It blinked twice. After what felt like years, the chickling started to approach, only stopping when it reached her hand. It peeped again, then suddenly scampered up her arm to stick its beak into the rose closest to her hand. Rosemary clapped her other hand over her mouth to muffle the giggles escaping her. “It’s just a flower— I know it looks like lettuce, but no, you cannot eat this.”


The peep unburied its head to shake out its feathers, chirruping at the khludeu as if to protest this statement. Rosemary just rolled their eyes. “If you want actual food, hop up here and I’ll take you back to the kitchen for real food.” 


She held her hands out in a small cup shape, keeping a close eye on the chickling as it scurried its way down her arm to settle in her hands. “That’s better. Don’t move too much now, we’ve got a ways to go.”




Rosemary and the peep’s journey to Achlys’ kitchen was relatively uneventful. She set the chick down on the counter, moving towards the pantry to rummage through their supplies. Dried meats, flowers, leaf bushels, fresh herbs, berries, fruits, gently seared fish… She glanced back at the bird. “Right, so… what do you want?”




“… I honestly don’t know what I was expecting,” Rosemary commented dryly, turning their attention back to the pantry. She swiped a hand across the pantry, snatching up a little bit of everything and bringing it back to the counter to lay out. “Right, then. Take as much as you want. I can always get more.”


The peep stared up at Rosemary, only briefly breaking eye contact to stare at the new things on the table. With all the gentleness of a baby deer, the peep pecked at the dried fish - only to immediately spit back up the piece it had put in its mouth. Rosemary pulled a face. “Watch the counter, buddy. I put food on there.”


Cheep. Tiny bird feet hopped across the table to the berries, gobbling up the smallest pieces it could find. Once it had eaten its fill, the peep laid down in the flowers, snuggling in on itself and staring up at Rosemary. Peep?


“You really like those, huh…” She reached a hand out to pet the peep, but stopped short. Would it be okay with that? Judging by the lack of acknowledgement from the fuzzy yellow ball of fluff, it would probably be fine. So, with all the grace of a feather landing on the water’s surface, Rosemary stroked the top of the peep’s head. It sighed into her touch, letting its eyes close as she petted it. 


The khludeu hummed, grinning at the peep curling up under her touch. “You’re definitely not supposed to be here… but if you have no parents and nowhere else to stay, then I guess I don’t really have a choice. I’m sure Achlys wouldn’t mind another new friend.”


No response. Upon closer inspection, the peep had already fallen into a deep sleep, curled up and content in Rosemary’s hands. Might as well let it sleep for now. Rose could deal with Achlys later. 




“Achlys, pleeeeeeeeeeaaase? It’s so cute and small and it doesn’t really take up all that much space!”


Rosemary could feel Achlys’ stony gaze resting on them as they tended to the garden. For the time being, the quigar elected to remain silent. The quigar’s clawed hands clasped around the handle of a watering can, tilting the spout forwards to release a gentle rain over the flowers of the garden. (They knew it wasn’t necessary to water the plants, given their general floral abilities, but tending to the flowers that grew around their house was better than simply letting them wilt from the lack of rain.) 


That didn’t stop the khludeu from talking, though. “Achlys, please?? I’ll take care of them and make sure they don’t try to rip up the flower beds in search of food! And yes, I know that sqwuagls don’t normally eat flowers, but this one seems to really like them!”


Achlys paused their watering, setting the can on the ground to face their friend. “… Do you promise to keep watch over it? I do not want it running in the way of the spells we cast.”


“Promise,” Rosemary pleaded, clasping her hands over her chest. “Cross my heart! It won’t be a problem at all.”


The lavender pinpricks of light emanating from Achlys’ skull settled on Rosemary, boring through their very being. They broke the stare with a sigh, swishing their tail from side to side. “What did you decide to name it?”


A shit-faced grin plastered itself over the khludeu’s lips. “Peep.”


“… You will be the death of me, Rosemary.”

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Rosemary and the Peep
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In Prompts ・ By TheWorldTree

During a relatively relaxing afternoon, Rosemary stumbles upon a lone peep. Cuteness ensues. 

Submitted By TheWorldTree
Submitted: 1 year agoLast Updated: 1 year ago

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